About Get Sync Housing Solutions

Real estate agent with a house at her back

About Us

Imagine a world where every need is met, even the ones you never knew you had. Can you picture the horror of losing a loved one to undetectable carbon dioxide poisoning? Think of the commotion in an emergency room as doctors try to remove bugs from an infant’s ear. Are you stuck in a struggling neighborhood, feeling like a forgotten victim? That was the spark that ignited our founder’s mission.

Born into a large family with a hardworking construction worker as a father, our founder learned the value of sacrifice early on. Leaving school at a young age, she dove into work, facing the harsh realities of poverty and hardship as a young mother. But instead of letting it deter her, it fueled her passion for home design and renovation.

From experiencing homelessness to being exploited in rental and buying agreements, she understood the desperate need for safe, affordable housing. Driven by a vision to make a difference, she equipped herself with knowledge, skills, and certifications.

In 2013, Get Sync Housing Solutions, LLC was born in Metro Atlanta. Our team quickly rose as a leader in the housing industry, guided by strong ethics, compassion, and a commitment to excellence. We stand for reliable real estate, ensuring that everyone has access to secure, adequate, and affordable housing.

Join us on a journey towards a brighter future, where everyone can have a place to call home, making it a community affair where family dreams and shared memories become a reality.

Our Goal

Get Sync Housing Solutions revolutionizes communities by providing affordable housing alternatives for disabled, youth, elderly, and one-parent households. We renovate and develop modern, cost-effective, dwellings that are adequate, safe, and affordable in impoverished, disadvantageous, underutilized, and underprivileged neighborhoods, offering purchase, daily, short-term, and long-term rentals.

Still Have Questions?

Get your questions answered about a prospective property by contacting us for more details. Find out how to move your listings faster. Get Sync Housing Solutions is your superior local area real estate consultancy company. Our passion for real estate is also a commitment to your needs. Business professionals have a peace of mind knowing they have the backing of a specialist who truly understands the fundamentals of real estate.

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